Notification providers

Momentic supports sending notifications to various external messaging and alerting apps. This way your team can be notified as soon as a test run is complete, or when a test fails. The table below provides a complete list of the officially supported providers, as well as how to integrate them with Momentic.

Notification providerIntegrationHow to integrate
SlackWebhookHow to get a webhook URL
DiscordWebhookHow to get a webhook URL
TeamsWebhookHow to get a webhook URL
PagerDutyAPI keyHow to get an API key
VictorOpsWebhookHow to get a webhook URL
SquadCastWebhookHow to get a webhook URL
OpsGenieAPI keyHow to get an API key

Sending notifications from a test

Test notifications can be configured by opening the test editor and clicking on the “notifications” button in the top right corner of the page. This will open a dialog where you can configure the notification settings for the test.

Like many other string inputs in momentic, you can use {{}} expressions in either the success or failure message fields to enrich the message with other information extracted from the test. Additionally, we expose an extra env variable env.FINAL_SCREENSHOT_URL that contains a link to a screenshot of the final state of the test. Certain providers will automatically unfurl the screenshot within their app. A custom failure message might look something like this:

The test failed with error: {{ env.EXTRACTED_ERROR_MESSAGE }}. Here is a screenshot of the final state: {{ env.FINAL_SCREENSHOT_URL }}.

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