We are aware of an open bug affecting the npx CLI where npx chooses not to fetch the latest matching version of a package on some machines. If you encounter schema errors when loading, running, or saving tests, please run npx clear-npx-cache to clear all cached packages. Current momentic CLI versions print the CLI version on startup and will warn you if your local version is out of date.

Momentic follows semantic versioning. We typically release multiple patches every week, minor updates around once a week, and major version changes only as needed.

To stay up to date, we recommend always using the momentic@latest syntax when invoking the CLI, which indicates to your package manager that you wish to use the latest 1.x.x version. This allows you to receive new feature updates and bug fixes automatically without the risk of introducing backwards incompatible changes.

Developers using old CLI versions may notice performance degradations. If you are transferring data to or from Momentic Cloud, you must be on the latest CLI version to avoid schema compatibility issues.

Only the latest major version (1.x.x) is officially supported by Momentic with ongoing security patches and bug fixes.

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