This command requires an API key to authenticate against Momentic’s servers.


npx momentic@latest queue suites [options] <suitePaths...>

Queue one or more suites that exist on Momentic Cloud to run on Momentic’s fully managed CI infrastructure. Results will be available in the Suite results tab in the Momentic Cloud app.


suitePathsOne or more suite paths.Yes

This command accepts one or more suite paths as arguments. The suite path is a lowercased version of the suite name where spaces are replaced with dashes. For example, hello-world is the path for Hello World.

For convenience, you can copy a suite’s path from the suite directory view on Momentic Cloud:


-w, --waitWait for the suite to finish running before exiting or until the timeout elapses. Momentic uses fail-fast behavior, so any test failure will immediately cause the CLI to exit with code 1.No
--wait-timeout <waitTimeout>The maximum number of seconds to wait for the suite to complete. Only applicable when the wait flag is also specified.No (default: 1800)
--env <env>Name of the environment to use when running tests.No
--url-override <urlOverride>Fully qualified URL (e.g., to start all tests from. Overrides any default starting URL set from the test or environment.No
--custom-headers HEADER-1=value HEADER-2=valueAdd or override HTTP headers to be sent on every network request that occurs during the test. If this option is provided, you must use -- to separate the options from the test names provided (e.g. momentic queue tests --custom-headers TEST=true -- my-test).No


Due to downstream infrastructure provider limitations, tests that run for over 10 minutes may be disrupted during scaling or upgrade events. If this occurs, in-progress test attempts will be marked as “cancelled” and the tests will be automatically retried on another node. For long-running tests, we recommend configuring the number of retries to be at least 3.

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