Step 1: Get an API key:

You will need an API key to authenticate against Momentic’s servers.

Step 2: Install browsers:

This will download the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit browsers to your local machine.

npx momentic@^0 install-browsers

Step 3: Run tests:

Make sure this is in the same directory as your ./momentic directory.

npx momentic@^0 run [options] [tests...]


testsOne or more test identifiers.

To use tests stored on your local file system, pass --local and specify file paths to Momentic YAML files or folders that exist locally: npx momentic run --local momentic/hello-world.yaml.

To use tests stored remotely on Momentic Cloud, pass --remote and specify one or more test paths. A test path is a lowercased version of your test name where spaces are replaced with dashes: npx momentic run --remote hello-world.


-r, --remoteRun tests remotely. The production version of this test will be queued for execution.true
-l, --localRun tests locally. Useful for accessing apps on localhost. This option does not control where tests are read from (see <tests> argument documentation).
--shard-count <shardCount>.Split the tests into separate shards for parallelizing when running with the --local flag. Each shard will run 1/shardCount of the total tests.
--shard-index <shardIndex>.Which shard to run when using the --shard-count flag.
--input-csv <inputCsv>Load test inputs from the specified file when running with the --local flag.
--no-reportSkip reporting test results to Momentic Cloud when running with the --local flag.
--start <start>Arbitrary setup command that will run before Momentic steps begin.
--wait-on <waitOn>URL to wait to become accessible before Momentic tests begin.
--wait-on-timeout <waitOnTimeout>Max time in seconds to wait for the --wait-on URL to become accessible.60
--retries <retries>Number of retries to attempt when running tests locally. Defaults to each test’s own retry configuration.
-p, --parallel <parallel>When running with the --local flag, the number of tests to run in parallel. Defaults to 1.1
--env <env>Name of the environment to use when running tests.
--url-override <urlOverride>Fully qualified URL (e.g., to start all tests from. Overrides any default starting URL set from the test or environment.
--custom-headers HEADER-1=value HEADER-2=valueAdd or override HTTP headers to be sent on every network request that occurs during the test. If this option is provided, you must use -- to separate the options from the test names provided (e.g. npx momentic@^0 run --custom-headers TEST=true -- my-test).

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