The V0 CLI is deprecated and will only receive critical patches. Please upgrade to the V1 CLI for the latest features and improvements.

Prerequisite: Please install Node.js (version 20 or higher) before proceeding.

Step 1: Get an API key:

You will need an API key to authenticate against Momentic’s servers.

To automatically pass the key to all Momentic CLI invocations, you can export the key in your shell configuration file (usually .bashrc or .zshrc) like so:

export MOMENTIC_API_KEY=your-api-key

or pass it in as a flag to all CLI commands:

--api-key your-api-key

Step 2: Initialize Momentic:

This will create a local ./momentic directory where your test, module, and environment YAML files are saved. Make sure to commit these files to source control.

Step 3: Install browsers:

This will download the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, and WebKit browsers to your local machine.

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